Group Activities & Weekly Programme at the Klosterhof

Strength lies in peace – and our activity programme!

At the Klosterhof, you will find so many opportunities for fitness and exercise in the fresh air. Our programme changes every week – but one thing that always remains the same is the wonderful environment and the joy of doing something good for your body: be it in the gym, with aqua gym training, a singing bowl meditation or yoga. Or break a sweat in the mountains on a guided hike or Nordic walking tour. Our weekly group programme has so many fun, free activities in store – after all, passion and excitement come alive when shared with others!


Klosterhof´s active programme

Im Klosterhof gibt es unendliche Möglichkeiten für Indoor & Outdoor Aktivitäten – was bleibt ist die wunderbare Umgebung und die Freude, dem Körper etwas Gutes zu tun.

Das Aktivprogramm begeistert mit:  

  • kostenfreier Teilnahme während Ihres Hotelaufenthalts
  • abwechslungsreichen Kursen für Entspannung & Fitness
  • der Expertise unseres Teams unter der Leitung von Spa Managerin Kimberly Wahry
  • dem medizinischen Fachwissen von Dr. med. Andreas Färber und Sportwissenschaftlerin Jana
  • Gesundheitsvorträgen mit Gastgeber Dr. Färber
  • den schönsten Touren des Berchtesgadener Landes
  • Hike & Bike - geführte Wanderungen & E-Bike Ausflüge
  • Sauna Aufgüssen und Salzpeelings
  • privaten Coachings und individuelle Trainingseinheiten (gegen Aufpreis buchbar)

Current weekly program

Fitness, sport & meditation perfectly combined

"Activation" im Aktivprogramm

Zur Steigerung der körperlichen und geistigen Energie

  • Full Body Kraft Training und Aerobes Ausdauertraining
  • Aquafitness
  • Geführte Wanderungen 
  • Geführte E-Bike- und Mountainbike-Touren
  • Nordic Walking
  • Fitnessraum mit Peloton Bikes und Precor Geräten

"Relaxation" im Aktivprogramm

Zur Reduktion von Stress sowie Förderung der inneren Ruhe

  • Meditation
  • Yoga (Hatha Yoga, Faszien Yoga, Yogilates & Babymoon Yoga)
  • Stretching und Entspannung
  • Progressive Muskelrelaxation nach Jacobsen
  • Atemtechnik mit Entspannungsübungen
  • Waldbaden
  • Erstellung eines Visionboards mit Träumen & Zielen

"Know-how" im Aktivprogramm 

Für das Verständnis von Gesundheit und Prävention 

  • Regelmäßige Gesundheitsvorträge mit Dr. Färber
  • Diskussionsrunden zu gesunder Ernährung & aktuellen Ernährungstrends
  • Kurse und Workshops mit Sportwissenschaftlerin Jana
  • "How to Hamam" mit unseren Seifenschaum-Therapeuten
  • "How to meditate" zur Einführung in Meditationstechniken

Fitnessstudio oder Intervall-Training

Zu Kräften kommen im Aktivurlaub im Klosterhof

Unser Fitnessraum ist mit folgenden Geräten ausgestattet:

  • Stepper
  • Laufband
  • Stairmaster
  • Rudergerät
  • Queenax (Functional Training) mit TRX Bändern, Klimmzugstange
  • Multitower
  • Functional Trainer
  • Langhantel mit Scheiben, Kurzhantel, Kettelballs
  • Peloton Bike mit Hanteln für das Bike und SPD-Pedal

Private Fitness Session? Gerne kann das Peloton Bike zur Privatnutzung am Zimmer zu einem Tagessatz von € 20 vermietet werden.

Jetzt privates Peloton Bike buchen

Activities for guests: plenty of variety on your holiday

  • Yoga (hatha yoga with Birgit and power yoga with Robert)
  • Meditation
  • Aqua gym 
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) 
  • Nordic walking
  • Sound journeys 
  • Guided hikes 
  • Sauna infusions and exfoliation with Andi

Hotel with a Peloton Bike

Another sporting highlight at hotel Klosterhof 

In addition to simple "cycling", the high-tech indoor cycling bike from the US offers the possibility to train and network with people from all over the world from countless courses via livestream. The courses can be started either in real time or on demand.  

Our guests at the Klosterhof also have the opportunity to train with the Peloton Bike during their stay, subject to availability, in the comfort of their own hotel room or in the Klosterhof fitness room.

The advantages of a Peloton bike on an active holiday at the Klosterhof: 

  • Flexibility: Train whenever possible, whether live or on demand. 
  • Motivation: By recording your personal progress, your own motivation increases. 
  • Alone, but still in company: The Peloton Bike offers the opportunity to train in a private atmosphere and still network with other participants worldwide. 
  • Spoilt for choice: Peloton Bike offers a wide range of courses, such as yoga, fitness or cycling. There is something to suit everyone here. 
  • Achieve the best possible results: Best results and effective training are guaranteed by experienced trainers. 

Would you like to use the Peloton Bike during your stay? - Then feel free to contact our SPA reception. 

The Peloton Bike in the fitness room is available to all guests free of charge, the bike for private use in the room is rented at a daily rate of € 20. 

Hit the gym or interval training

Get strong on your holiday at the Klosterhof

Strength training, stamina and group lessons are more popular than ever before. Men and women alike love having a sporty look and adequate endurance. Our gym is perfectly equipped for your workout. At the Klosterhof you can enjoy all the health benefits of breaking a sweat.

  • Exercise helps you lose weight
  • Increase fat burn
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels; raise “good” HDL cholesterol levels
  • Reduce muscular imbalances
  • Exercise helps prevent osteoporosis and improves blood lipid levels
  • Positive effects on muscles and fascia

Give your body the action it craves – and relax whilst doing so

Do something good for your body and mind with yoga, singing bowl meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. The Klosterhof’s activity programme has plenty of variety for your wellness holiday in Bavaria. Have you ever tried Jacobsen muscle relaxation techniques? At the Klosterhof, you can work with a therapist on this active relaxation technique and many others – try them out in your daily life for greater balance and mindfulness and a more positive body image!

Our highly qualified spa therapists and fitness coaches love to pass on their knowledge and passion for a healthy life.

Kimberly Wahry, Spa & Health team leader

Holiday packages

Nature & Indulgence

Hiking and Spa in Bavaria

Mental Detox with Forest Bathing

De-stress and rediscover yourself with the healing power of nature

Indulgence & Spa

Pure well-being: a short break in Bavaria with free spa voucher